Are you a giver, an agency head, church leader or member of an existing collaboration?

You will need to grow in the art of collaboration. Collaboration is not new, but the way we collaborate certainly is. Networked realities are influencing and reshaping almost every social system. But this opens up new potential for new levels of communication, planning and oversight for what are almost impossibly complex, overlapping problems. But that potential has to be met with new models that correspond to these new realities. In other words, old paths may not be able to capitalize on the new resources and even the new sensibilities surrounding collaboration. 

A renaissance in creative enterprise will eventually discover the limitations of small solutions and look for answers beyond mere scaling or growth. We are convinced that the next economy will be a collaborator economy. The spirit of the age is calling into question hierarchy and single-leader enterprise, while elevating and reimagining the possibility of collaboration. 

Not only are we seeing more collaboration, we are starting to understand the social contract being forged around it. We are starting to discover why and how it works.

For those who are interested in learning how to succeed and thrive in the emerging social economy, those who sense that things are changing and want to understand it, and for anyone who is beginning to wade into the waters of collaboration or even for those who are currently a part of a collaborative community, we are here for you.


Let us help you take the next step in your collaboration journey.


Our partnership with the National Christian Foundation positions us to help generous givers take the next step in their giving. We are here to serve you and never to sell on any one giving option. Instead, we can help you discern your giving calling and giving strategy and to explore the possibility of greater impact in your giving leveraged by collaboration.

Collaboration leaders

Whether you are a part of an existing collaboration or you lead and agency where collaboration is needed, we can help you take your next steps to start grow or develop an impact network. You can see the collaborations we currently serve here. If you don’t see your cause or concern represented, reach out to us so we can keep that in mind as we help others explore the needs in our area.


If you lead a church and see the value in both a unified witness and empowered partnership we would love to hear from you. We are helping to convene and serve churches in Hillsborough, Pinellas, and Pasco counties who see the welfare of their cities as part of their mandate from God. If you have experienced a shift from trying to grow your church to trying to love and serve your city, you should join the emerging unity movement in our area.


Everything meaningful we are engaged in, can be supercharged by a Kingdom collaboration.